Saturday, October 5, 2024

why is it important to listen to motivational speakers?

At some parts of our life, we feel left out and hesitate to perform any activity. We want a pat on our shoulders saying, yes, I believe you; you will ace this difficulty beautifully. And all of a sudden, we have the courage even to turn down the mountain in our path.   

That is called motivation and the power of a motivational speaker.   

Ups and downs are a part of life, and keeping yourself encouraged under challenging times seems harsh, especially at a young age. Particularly in our early 20’s, our whole world is changing upside down. You are entering the practical life after quitting a carefree luxurious life.   

At that moment, you have a conflict of opinions with others, experience failure while aiming for your dream destination, have personal issues, and many more. Then you find out that you need the motivation to release yourself from this exhaustion.   

What Is Motivation?  

Motivation is a ray of hope that ignites the hidden or asleep spark in your body. It will help you realize that you can achieve everything in life; just a little bit more effort and consistency, and you will become closer to your aim.   

Along with that, its main effect lies in versatility. It is only sometimes essential to listen to YouTube videos to get motivation. There are countless reasons in the world to get you motivated like:   

  • For some people, a quote in a book is enough to get them back on track.   
  • Similarly, some people’s loved ones are a source of motivation for them. They work hard not for themselves but for their family.   
  • A book, movie, personality, a reason, anything, or anyone can be a source of motivation for you. It is weird but true, though, that those who resent you will become a source of motivation for you.   
  • Wise, a challenge from one to get yourself acknowledged and go all out of your capabilities to fulfill the task will act as a motivation source for you.   
  • A dream can inspire you, but only your effort will turn it into reality.   

If you have nothing, that will inspire you to continue the work. Find one because it is necessary to keep working diligently until you achieve what you dream of.  

Popularity Of Motivational Speakers   

I have given enough reason to justify the rising popularity of motivational worldwide. The fact that U.S. Motivational Speaking Industry is Worth $1.9 Billion will validate my point.   

Well, is it better to listen to a motivational speaker rather than racking your brain for days or months?   

We have the most profound personalities as our motivational speakers at national or international levels, like TED talksQasim Ali shahYouth Club, Evan Carmichael, and Be inspired. They not only inspire us but help us to transform this mental energy into practical work.   

Let me clear it up, though. Motivation is not about listening to videos or motivational speakers 24/7. It is the art of applying the knowledge you gain in real life.   

Instead of relying on mental satisfaction, test it with your work. Remember what I said, motivation will ignite the hidden spark, but you must carry it and turn it into the fire. It means you can only achieve success through something other than motivation; hard work with delegation is inevitable.  

Like versatilities in motivation, motivational speakers also vary from person to person. Most of the time, these are special people who choose this as a profession and get out on a mission to motivate others.   

But your motivational speaker can be a legend in your field. His life story can also inspire you as a source of motivation. Thus, it is not compulsory from whom you are motivated; in the end, we want consistent behaviors that help you succeed.   

Top 7 Reasons: Why You Should Listen To Motivational Speakers  

Many people will call it time waste when you listen to motivational speakers. Here I am quoting seven reasons to compel you to the fact that motivation or inspiration is necessary for life.  

  1. A Ray Of Hope In Failure Season   

Everyone will encounter failure in their life. But very few people take it as a positive notion and rectify their mistakes to confront the challenge again with their better version.   

Motivational speakers tell us that we are not alone and face failure in a lifetime. They will comfort us with some sweet words and heal us with the knowledge of legends of how they acted out in their struggle time. We can gain enlightenment from their records to achieve success in the future.   

Thus, anytime you feel it’s time to quit, hop on the motivation video and get back your energy to start again. Because when you gain success, you will thank yourself for not quitting that day.   

If you want to learn more about the beneficial impact of failure, read it:  

  1. A Motivation To Improve Yourself   

I will justify this with an example that even standing water loses its charm and fragrance compared to the stream. A stream of water can even dig a hole In a rock because it keeps moving.   

The secret of lifelong success rises in continuous improvement. Art of keeping on changing and leveling up your kill. When you narrow your focus to a single skill, that’s the beginning of your downfall. Your arrogance will prevent you from filling the knowledge gap.  

Motivational speakers teach us that a man’s body can become full of food but never get satiated with information and knowledge. His brain always demands a set of new skills. Thus, these speakers help us to reach out and learn the most in-demand skills of society and put them to use in our life.   

  1. Self- Analysis  

When it comes to self-analysis, we always need more because we all find ourselves perfect with no flow. But it is not valid. The person who knows his shortcomings more than his achievements is bound to succeed.   

Sometimes a short video of a few minutes is enough to tell us that what I am doing is not extraordinary.   

There are hundreds of people ahead of me. Thu, instead of slacking, it will motivate them to give training time to themselves. You know, we start wasting time on other useless things when we assume we have mastered that skill or task.   

This is the point motivational speaker saves us; they teach us to give 30 minutes to ourselves daily—a special episode of self-realization where you are the teacher of your own. You will examine your activity and judge whether you have improved from the previous day.   

If the answer is positive, then it is good; if not, take time to nullify the mistakes within you and focus on improvement. But never let go of this self-analysis part.  

  1. Enhance Your Knowledge And Keep You Updated  

Motivational speakers are not only those who will only inspire others to set foot forward in a difficult time. They are knowledgeable people who know what is going on in the world. You do not have time to study the latest change in the world, but their videos will surely update you.   

That is why it is preferable to listen to the motivational speaker of your field because it will not only enlighten you but also keep you updated. You can get directions from experts in the beginning phase. Also, get help if you are stuck somewhere from their life experience.   

  1. A Booster For Mental Health   

Mental health issues are real, and even society is not willing to accept them, but depression has the power to seize your whole work life. It has multiple reasons; sometimes, a little consolation in the form of videos is enough to get you out of this phase.   

In depression, people want a hand to drag them from darkness into light. Motivational speakers lend their hand and ascertain that they are not alone. Help is nearby; accept the help and get out of this miserable life.  

Thus, it is a saying to listen to acknowledged people because their life experiences will tell you that mishaps are common. No need to create a massive fuss about minor things and destroy our mental and physical health. All we need to do is to learn how to react in an unfavorable situation.  

For more reasons why mental health is essential in our life, read this article:  

  1. Self-Satisfaction   

Whenever you doubt yourself, that I am worthless and not doing enough, at that point, these motivational speakers encourage you that you are doing well enough than others. Your only competition is you. If you keep on improving every day, then it is worth it.   

Thus, in terms of self-satisfaction, you can also seek help from their videos. We are best when it comes to demotivating ourselves. It’s a significant problem for me also. A little wrong thing in my work, and I will scold myself enough to get me in depression.   

That is not good. Now I am learning that it is highly unhealthy to learn how to praise yourself over trivial matters because, in the end, you know you are struggling. You are doing it to get everything right; it is not your fault if it is not working.   

Motivational speakers teach us that instead of demoralizing ourselves, we learn how to convert this negative energy into positive practical energy.   

  1. A Set Of Different Perspective For A Single Situation   

Sometimes we all want a different perspective, vision, or viewpoint on a single situation. In this state, motivational speakers are of great use. They have read many books, met with many people, and had experience in every matter.   

Thus you can rely on their opinions about various matters and trust them.   


Motivation is not about wasting the day and listening to motivational speakers at 3 am. It’s about a way to remain consistent in your work. Instead of relying just on videos, learn from them and make their use in practical life.   

Life is about continuous struggle; keep doing it until you achieve it. Instead of calculating how far you have come, look at where you started and what you have been through. In the end, all your efforts will be worth it. 

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