Sunday, March 9, 2025

Seven Tips To Keep Yourself Hydrated In The Summer Season  

Dehydration and loss of consciousness due to heat stroke is the major problem during the summer season.  

Have you ever heard from your mother in childhood that if you play too much in the afternoon in summer, the sun will drain your whole energy?  

Sun will indeed make us lazy, but it links with the water loss in the summer season.  

Day To Day Water Requirement Of An Individual   

People still assume that every person’s water requirement is the same: eight glasses of water.   

Everyone has their needs depending on gender, activities, health, and environmental condition.  

Our 20% of the body fluids come from the food we intake. We should substitute the rest with enough water uptake.   

According to the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, a man should drink 3.7 liters (16 cups), and a woman should drink 2.7 liters (11 cups) daily.  

Moreover, athletes and those whose regular physical activity is more than ordinary people should drink more water than the above-prescribed level.  

Benefits Of Drinking Water   

Our body constitutes 60% of water, out of which our brain uses up 80%, so that the slightest dehydration can affect the whole body’s normal functioning.   

The following list will help you to understand the advantages of water.  

  • It provides nutrients and oxygens to your cells  
  • It aids in digestion   
  • It helps you to get rid of constipation  
  • It can also normalize the high blood pressure  
  • It maintains the average electrolyte balance   
  • It regulates the body temperature  
  • It protects our organs, tissues, and joints  
  • It will also enhance your skin texture  

Tips For Staying Hydrated   

  1. Drink A Glass Of Water Immediately After You Wake Up  

Drinking after you wake up helps your body to perform metabolism more efficiently. It will help your body absorb nutrients and maintain your digestive tract.   

Water also helps soften stool, an easy remedy to cure constipation.   

If you find it hard to grab a water bottle, an easy solution to it is always to have a filled water bottle at your side desk.  

It will not only keep you hydrated, but a water bottle also acts s a reminder to drink water.  

  1. Try To Buy A Colourful Water Bottle   

Aesthetics and visual impact also play a role in water intake, especially in the case of children.   

If your child is reluctant to drink water, grab his favourite water bottle from the market because it is an easy method to fluctuate his mood towards water intake.   

Certain bottles also have marked the water level on them, informing you about your daily uptake level.   

Moreover, some have motivational quotes imprinted on them that will encourage you to refill a bottle.  

  1. Use Alarms To Notify Yourselves  

It is a time of technology; now, it’s up to us to utilize it. Either we take benefits from this advancement or waste it.   

Nowadays, everyone has mobile phones and smartwatches; using them to set a reminder for yourself and an alarm to drink water is a good idea.   

If you have Alexa, use it to remind you of drinking water with a positive and encouraging statement.  

  1. Pay Attention To Your Body’s Signal   

Sometimes we miscalculate our body’s signal. Our body is demanding water, and we misjudge it for hunger.   

Health care providers suggest drinking water when you crave junk food. It will help to minimize it.  

FIVE PRO TIPS TO CURE JUNK FOOD CRAVINGS check out this if you plan to remove junk food from your diet.     

  1. Drink A Glass Of Water Before Each Meal   

Make it a habit to drink water before every meal. It will slow down your speed of eating and aids in metabolism.   

Sometimes when we are hungry for a longer time, we want with no pause, it will cause less chewing and low metabolism of the food.   

Drinking water before a meal will help you to solve this problem.  

  1. Add Calories- Free Flavouring Water   

It is normal to garb soft drinks to relieve thirst while away from home. Carbonized water never cures your thirst.   

The best way is always to carry a water bottle while traveling. Or buy water from the market instead of calorie base flavour drinks.  

You can switch to fresh juices of different fruits if you want a healthy substitute for water.   

In markets, some bottles available will infuse the taste of different fruits into your water.   

Try these bottles for tasteful water.  

  1. Use Oral Rehydration Solution If Needed   

In summer, excess sweating cause both losses of water and deficiency of electrolytes, especially sodium.  

Consult your physician and use ORS to fulfill the body’s electrolytes and water. It is also helpful in case of diarrhea.  

Excess electrolytes are also a health hazard. Their imbalance will lead to heart failure and many other problems, so always check your electrolytes concentration and consult the physician before taking it.  


Water is a necessity of life, and if you are suffering from a poor drinking habit, it is not too late to solve it.   

Set your goal about daily water intake level and manage to achieve it. Work slowly but steadily to improve the habit.  

Dehydration will make us lazy and dull and hinder us from performing our routine tasks, so water intake is essential for our body and work.  

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