Saturday, October 5, 2024

Be Independent: Not For Others But For Yourself 

When someone asks a boy in grade one what he wants to become in the future  

He replies, “I want to be independent.”   

Every person defines the word independent according to his own set notion. As for some people, one who has a suitable carrier and earns a hasty amount of money is financially independent.   

In my view, stand in that position that everything you do in life is your own decision. You should have nothing to blame on others.   

Stand out of the crowd and shine with your personality. Be independent in your choices and decisions, prioritizes, and never let others change your life.   

We Should Stop Depending On The Internet  

Someone asks me that:   

Why do we need to be rational in life? The internet provides access to all information, and we can get solutions to every problem with a single click.  

I agree that the world is revolutionizing, and it is more like a global village due to the courtesy of the internet. But think of the day when the internet vanishes from the world.   

I know it is impossible, but I understand my point that the internet made our life easy, but we operate it with our knowledge.   

If we do not work on enhancing our wisdom and critical thinking, the internet will also be useless to us.  

Wrong Perception Of Self-reliability  

Independent does not mean we go to solitude, only think of ourselves and look down upon others.   

No, it is sometimes helpful to appreciate the experience of your seniors and extract valuable points from their stories.   

Failure teaches a great lesson in life, but the smart one is those who learn from the negligence of others and avoid these similar mistakes in life.  

Seven Reasons To Stay Independent   

Here I enlist some of the benefits that will justify my point about why self-reliance is essential in life   

  1. It Boosts Your Self-confidence And Self-esteem   

You will ultimately lose confidence when you rely on others for every small matter and decision. You find yourself incompetent and cannot rely on your knowledge.  

Instead of knocking down others’ shoulders during a hard time, use your mental capabilities to solve it. On the first attempt, you make a worse choice, but with time you will improve.   

It requires practice, experience, and practical exposure to the world to become mentally independent, but once you achieve it, you will have a unique personality.  

Self-confidence teaches you to how to convert your shortcomings into your strength.  

  1. It Urges You To Try New Things  

When you are independent, you will become fearless. You know that everything you achieve solely results from your hard work. No one will steal it from you.   

It gives you the confidence to try different things and ideas. A self-made person always has a backup plan that makes it different from others.   

Like international pharmaceutical companies spend 60% of their earnings on research because they are responsible for decisions and their money.  

  1. You Can Offload The Burden From Your Family

From childhood, we learn that we can only earn after graduation; until then, our parent’s responsibility is to nurture us.  

To become self-reliable, there is no age limit. Numerous courses are available online that will help you to earn online along with pursuing your studies.   

It is a matter of responsibility; an 18-year-old student should have a source of income to bear his expenses.   

Parents’ children are never a burden, but it is a sign of maturity to share some responsibility for your family.  

  1. It Gives You Freedom   

When you rely on yourself, you stop worrying about the unreasonable standards set by society. You will become a free spirit who leads your path.   

The progress of developed countries lies within the freedom they give their children while choosing a career.   

Fashion designing, dancing, singing, painting, and every other field you are interested in is your best professional option.   

  1. It Leads Your Way To Financial Freedom 

Financial freedom is also a blessing. You can manage your expenses and are not answerable to anyone regarding money.   

it also allows you to buy everything without any worry. You can take care of your loved ones and fulfill your duty to them.   

You learn how to manage money. When and where to use and save it. It tells you the importance of cash because you know your hard work to earn money.  

  1. You Will Become Competent Enough To Help Others  

Financial help is not the only thing you can offer to others.  

A piece of good advice to your friend that can rectify his problem is also a form to help others.   

Depending on your capabilities, you can become a problem solver or a good adviser. Work hard so that people will believe you.   

  1. It Gives You A Sense Of Accomplishment 

When we achieve our goal in life, the feeling of joy is different at that point. We can recall our whole journey that it is worthwhile to make some sacrifices for our destination.   

You attain everything on your own without any external or unfair means. Instead of taking a shortcut, you learn from and enjoy the whole process.   


Always remember: be like water in life. It is unrestrained and makes its path. If it encounters any difficulty, it will work diligently but never quit.   

The route to becoming self-reliable is not easy, a path full of difficulties and challenges but remember one thing once you start, only stop when you achieve your goal.  

NEVER EVER GIVE UP; check this article to get a clear idea while keeping going in life is essential.    

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