Saturday, October 5, 2024


Most of us regard apartments, bungalows, and quarters as our home: where we live individually or with our loved ones.   

But I believe the earth is our real home, accommodating all human beings. It does its duty very well.  

  • It shelters us from harmful ultraviolet radiation.  
  • We consume our food from it.  
  • We can get naturally purified water from lakes, streams, and rains.  

But the point of concern is that:   

What are we doing to protect the ecosystem and earth?  

We are giving them nothing except limitless debates regarding the preservation of the environment on 5 June, I.e., world environment day.  

If you contribute nothing to environmental protection, you are harming it.  

We always try to make our house mess-free, but what about the earth and the environment.   

How can we forget about them?  

Now, it is time for some practical work; To conserve the ecosystem for future generations. It is not hectic work. A slight change in behavior at the individual level will save our earth.  



Follow these three steps and contribute your role to environmental conservation.  


Reduce unnecessary things from the environment. It can be anything like   

PLASTIC: it is a common practice to use disposable plates, cups, and spoons while away from home. It is hygienic for us but not for the environment.   

We can carry a water bottle during traveling and play our part in saving the ecosystem. Start using bamboo straws, biodegradable plates, and spoons during traveling.  

PAPER: paper is made from trees. Reduce their consumption save our trees, and protect the environment. If you are using the paper, assure to use it fully like print on both sides of the paper and write on all the lines of the sheet.  


Make reusing your habit. It will save not only the environment but also your money.  

You can wear your clothes more than once. You know almost 5 pounds of cotton is required to make a simple shirt so   

How can you dispose of it after wearing it once?  

Think rationally; share it or donate it to needy people if you do not need it. Bring variety to your wardrobe by sharing clothes with friends.  

Similarly, use a cloth bag while doing groceries. First, it can be reused, and there is no need to dispose of it.  

Not only clothes, but you can also share books that you have read with your friends.  


When it comes to recycling, we should master this art from children. They adopt different DIY tricks and skills to recycle their playthings.  

Your old clothes can be used as a duster, as a cleaning tool for your car windscreen, or wipe your floor with them.  

Recycle your fully used paper as a wrapping material or as a book cover. 

These are only a few recycling tips, but you can develop numerous ideas by paying attention to your everyday habituated items.  


Water has the property to move; either we use it, waste it, or even unuse it; in the end, the result is the same the water will flow towards the sea. Once water enters the sea, it will be impossible to use it for day-to-day necessities.  

Hence there is a need to conserve water and use it effectively like:  

  • Close the tap while brushing the teeth.  
  • Save water by reducing your shower time, or you can even skip it when it is not necessary.  
  • Quickly repair any damage to water pipes to avoid water loss.  
  • Use low flushing technique in restrooms.  
  • Try to use a dishwasher to save water.  
  • Use a washing machine to wash clothes instead of washing them with rushing water.  

A typical vehicle emits approx 4.6 million tons of carbon dioxide per year. Our comfy conveyance is ruining the ecosystem.  

  • Use public transport: almost 30 people can travel on a bus at the same time. We are saving the emission of tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses.   
  • Prefer cycle for a short distance: if your destination is a few miles away; go by bicycle. It is good for your health and environment also. There is no need to spend time in the gym, so there is a bonus effect.  
  • Adopt a carpool system: if two or three people are heading toward the same destination, use the same vehicle. They can be your office partners, neighbors, and friends whom with you can share a vehicle.  
  • Minimize car use: if it is compulsory to use the car; try to adopt the shorter route toward the destination.  

Food waste is unethical and hazardous to the environment because of the release of methane from food. About 40% of food is wasted in the united states.   

  • Try to eat leftovers. Eating the same meal twice a day is not a problem.   
  • Give food to the poor and needy instead of storing them in refrigerators.   
  • Make a list while doing groceries; it will help you to avoid buying unnecessary food items.  
  • You can make a complete dish from leftover food. Try different hacks and cooking tricks.  

The simplest step to save the ecosystem is to plant a tree. Ever walk on a road under the scorching sun and desire shade, but unfortunately, there is no tree to provide shade in hot summers.  

Plant trees not for others but for yourself. Suppose every person in this world plant a tree; then global warming will no longer exist.   

The extinction of many animals occurs because we are cutting down the forests for factories and industrial purposes. But remember one thing.  

Industrialization is important for a lavish lifestyle, while forestation is mandatory for survival.  

How will we enjoy these luxuries if we do not exist?  

So prefer nature and take measures to save it.  


We all love to spend our vacation in the fields and mountains because nature refreshes our souls and mind. But when it comes to do some effort to conserve it.   

What do we all think?  

It is not my duty to protect the environment. It is the responsibility of the government or organizations.  

No, that type of attitude is wrong. We should play our part as residents of this earth.   

Instead of playing the blame game, bringing a small change in our daily life, we can protect this beautiful earth for our future generation. This earth is indeed a blessing, so protect it; otherwise, we will lose it.   

What will be left behind then?  

A deep regret.  

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