Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to cure Dandruff Problems: Top 8 Natural Remedies 

Along with medical treatment (dandruff shampoo), our books are brimmed with natural remedies to cure dandruff. Sometimes these remedies work out very well and prove magical in removing dandruff permanently.   

In the end, what it wants is consistency. When you start following the natural remedy, continue until you get your desired result. Stopping midway because of insecurities like a failure or no-effect mindset will surely not ascertain the particular remedy effective.   

Well, white dead skin flakes accumulate on our scalp for dandruff and shed down on our shoulders. It is tricky yet not impossible to treat. You can treat mild dandruff by changing your lifestyle and hair care habits, as these persistent white shreds on clothes are enough to shatter your confidence in public.  

For its causes there are various genetic, environmental and microbiological causes. Itchiness is its main symptom. If you want to explore more about the causes, symptoms and medical treatment of dandruff, then click on this article:   

Top 10 Natural Remedies   

Now let’s explore the world of nature to investigate the effective remedies for dandruff.   

1. Tea Tree Oil   

Tea tree oil has proven effective in dandruff treatment because of its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. It alleviates the dandruff symptoms like itchiness, redness and irritation.   

Some reports have shown that it is effective to kill fungi particularly responsible for seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. That is why many dandruff shampoos contain tea tree oil as an active ingredient.   

A test was conducted on 126 people suffering from dandruff. Some use tea tree oil as a cure, and others use a placebo. After 4 weeks, the one with tea tree oil, about 41% of the dandruff symptoms like itchiness and greasiness as compared with placebo.  


It may irritate some people, so you must use it diluted.   


  • You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo.   
  • Dilute the tea tree oil with any carrier oil like coconut oil.   
  • You can even add it to apple cider vinegar.  

2. Coconut Oil   

Coconut oil is a magic potion for every skin disease. Like even in eczema, research shows that applying coconut oil will heal it. It can even treat topical dermatitis, which can cause dandruff if left untreated.  

Moreover, If you are suffering from dandruff from a dry scalp, then coconut is the potential enough to produce wonder within weeks. Its moisturizing power will soothe the persistent thick white flakes and help you get rid of them.   

Coconut oil also tends to have some antimicrobial activity; long story short- constant use of coconut oil will give you shiny, moisturized and dandruff-free hair within 4 weeks.   


  • Try using Luke’s warm coconut oil on your skin, as it will absorb more easily.  
  • Secondly, you can mix some drops of lemon juice to double its effect ad apply it gently on your skin.   
  • After that, massage your skin thoroughly so that the white flakes will lose their grip.   
  • Then after 1- 2 hours, wash it thoroughly with shampoo.  

3. Neem Leaves  

Neem is famous as a natural remedy that is effective in treating acne. But its use is not only limited to it. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that play a role in the prevention and cure of dandruff permanently.   

Neem can cure flakes, itching and dryness resulting from dandruff and leave a moisturized and healthy scalp.   

Do you know what is the best thing about the natural remedy?  

They can treat multiple problems with a single use. Along with dandruff, they can strengthen your hair, remove roughness induced by dryness and nourish your hair thoroughly.   


  • Neem Paste   

Take neem leaves and crush them to make a paste. After that, apply this thick paste to your scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Then wash it with cold water.   

  • Neem Juice   

Take neem leaves and boil them in water for 30-60 minutes. After boiling, let it cool down for a few minutes. Then apply this mixture as pre- shampoo rinse before every bath.   

4. Baking Soda   

exfoliation is necessary to remove the thick, determined white flakes. Baking is a gentle exfoliant that cleans your skin with zero irritation.   

Some studies show that it can annihilate fungus responsible for skin diseases, while others show that the It has no effects on redness and psoriasis. So, we can wait for further studies to confirm I.   

Well, let’s use its exfoliating effect only.   


  • Wet your hair, and then massage it with baking soda. After that, normally wash it with your regular shampoo.   

5. Apple Cider Vinegar   

Apple cider vinegar is the major ingredient in various natural remedies. Also, it balances the skin’s pH and restricts the growth of various microbes and fungi.   

The same goes for dandruff. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar stimulates the shedding of dead skin flakes from the scalp. Hence it will become easy to comb them off and remove them.  


  • Certain ingredients only work effectively if you use them in the right manner. Thus, while using apple cider vinegar, always stick to the approved natural method.   
  • Do not use it daily. After every two days, its use is enough to fight off dandruff.   
  • In case of any irritation on the scalp, stop using it.   
  • Never use concentrated apple cider vinegar on the skin. Always dilute with water before application.   


  • Take the required quantity of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with equal water.   
  • After washing your hair, spray it thoroughly on your scalp. Let it dry for 15 minutes.   
  • Then thoroughly rinse your hair with water.  

6. Aloe Vera   

Aloe vera is the leader of the natural world. If you have a burn, apply it or want to moisturize your skin; none is better than this; silky smooth hair will be yours after its application.   

How is it possible that it has no activity in dandruff?   

Test tube studies show that its antifungal and antibacterial properties help eliminate dandruff. Along with that, it reduces inflammation and thus also helps to alleviate dandruff symptoms.  


  • You can apply aloe vera gel to your scalp and massage it thoroughly.   
  • Another version is you can add lemon juice to aloe vera if you want to benefit from both.   
  • Next, retain it on your scalp for 15 minutes.   
  • After that, wash your hair with regular shampoo.  

7. Egg Yolk   

Whenever you ask your grandmother, what should I do to treat my dandruff?   

The most common answer is to use egg yolk on your scalp.   

Well, that is true. It has biotin in it that is found to be effective in treating dandruff. Along with it, a combination of vitamins and fatty acids will moisturize and nourish your hair.   


  • Take an egg and separate the egg yolk from the rest.  
  • Then apply it directly on your hair and wait 20-30 minutes.   
  • Wash it with water to get smooth hair.  

8. Curd   

Curd is a messy version of a natural remedy, as when you apply it directly on your skin, it continues dripping on your face and clothes. Due to its potential advantages, let’s take this risk.   

Curd strengthens your hair follicles and softens your cuticles, thus making a good moisturizer for dull, dry and frizzy hair. Well, its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it a good anti-dandruff ingredient.   


  • Take 2-3 tablespoons of curd and mix it with olive oil, aloe vera, coconut oil, or egg yolk.  
  • You can apply it alone; it’s all your choice.   
  • Then cover your head with a shower cap and wait for 30 minutes.   
  • Next, wash your hair and cherish your dandruff-free smooth, silky hair.  

Avoid Certain Foods   

Still, science is finding a correlation between food and dandruff, yet some people believe they can avoid dandruff by quitting certain food items. The dietary modification will also restrict fungal and microbial growth in the scalp, thus limiting the risk of dandruff.  

Here is the list of the following food items:  

  • Refined carbohydrates: white bread, white pasta, white rice, pastries, snacks etc.  
  • Red meat   
  • Processed food   
  • Fried food   
  • Sugar products   
  • Beverages   

When To See A Doctor   

Sometimes dandruff needs medication like corticosteroids, immunomodulators or antifungal medication to get rid of it. If you notice that after using a remedy for 2-4 weeks but no improvement in dandruff, feel free to consult your dermatologist.   

As dandruff may occur due to certain skin conditions like eczema, and psoriasis, thus you need to find the cause to rectify dandruff. The dermatologist can only do it.   

Thus, you can rely on natural remedies, but we cannot deny that some types of dandruff cannot be treated with it.   


The natural way is the best method to cure your skin problems because if you accurately use them, their benefits are countless with little or no side effects.   

Thus, whenever you feel dry flakes on your scalp, try the above natural remedies to resolve the issue. Then move toward the medical treatment.  

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