Saturday, October 5, 2024

Top 7 Traits Of A True Leader: How To Become A Leader

Various misconceptions surround our society regarding a leader; we assume any influential person that will let the people obey him is the leader. 

But in reality, it is the opposite.

A person who portrays special characteristics in his behavior, actions, and words that allow the people to follow him automatically is called a leader. 

What Is Leadership?

In our routine life, we face certain challenges that only a group of certain people can ace it. At that time, we required a leader who knew every group member’s flaws and strengths and used their strengths effectively. 

The leader is about the position you hold, a journey, and a process. A title never assures a leader, like if your job title holds the word manager In it, but your actions don’t prove that you are the leader, then it’s just a mere title. 

It is the point where we need more attention; everyone can not be a leader. A leader is the one:

  • Who can influence 
  • Who is followed 
  • Who is obeyed willingly 
  • Who practices result 
  • Who can build a team
  • Who can mentor people 

If all the above qualities are present in a certain person, you can address them as a leader. Your father can be a leader; the same goes for your mother, teacher, friends, and anyone. 

Top 7 Qualities That A Leader Must Acquire

Qualities make us different from others, so these markers of a leader make him stand out from the crowd.

1.Follows Now Or Never Formula 

Leaders work on the formula of now or never; time is their most precious asset. They believe in completing all the work today rather than putting it on hold for tomorrow. 

We all heard a phrase: time and tides wait for none.

But when it comes to practically applying it in our lives, most of us fail; here comes the point where a true leader stands. He knows how to manage time effectively, and it saves them from future regret. 

Time management sounds simple, but it is the most difficult skill to acquire. I’ve been struggling for months to get back on track, but I still need time to master this skill.


Hence start managing your time because if time manages you, the end will be different from your plan. 

2.Work With The Team

No one is perfect in this world and can not acquire all the qualities same goes for the leader. They aren’t the god who can solve every problem and achieve success individually. 

Success can be achieved individually, but a long-lasting achievement has a group and leader beside it. 

A leader is not a perfectionist; rather, they know how to manage every situation calmly and positively. Difficulty strikes at every part of life; your attitude will determine how long it will last.

He knows how to utilize the characteristics of every member in different conditions. The leader assigns tasks to their member according to their strengths so an attractive yield will come out. 

Moreover, the leader analyzes every person before selecting them as a member. A leader will check whether this person will be a benefactor or a burden to our team.

Instead of forcing others into the fire of an impossible task, a leader is the one who steps out in hell fire and strategizes a plan on how to solve this issue. It does not matter if a leader did this task prior or not. A leader is always the first stepper, and his actions motivate others to turn this impossible situation into a favorable one. 

Rather than yelling at your teammates, “yes, you can do it,” it is better to come ad work with them. A Leader is not alone; he has a group of hardworking, diligent, and passionate people who always follow them.

3.Can Set The Priorities 

Do you know where the new generation is lacking? It is in a priority setting. We need to learn the difference between important and useless tasks. 

For example, we can spend our whole day on social media, but when it comes to learning a skill, we will all turn a cold shoulder toward it and leave it to tomorrow. Interestingly, tomorrow of ours never comes—a reality check for me and everyone else. 

A leader knows that their future is the result of their present activities. The hardships of today will provide a satisfying reward in the future. 

Now let’s clear out the misconception of the 24/7 hours work rule, which means desiring to achieve something and working 24/7 for it. 

No, a leader can prioritize their task. They know how to manage their routine to focus on their studies, have an enjoyable period, spend time with their family and friends or play their favorite sport. 

Work smart and sketch out your whole routine; thus, your learning and enjoyment go hand in hand. 

4.Goal Oriented 

Life without aim means nothing. Even simple cooking requires a plan, so how can we let our life go unplanned?

Leaders are goal-oriented. They never follow the “going with the flow” strategy and know where their life is heading; they have planned the whole journey. With an aim, you know how to mend and improve yourself according to your final destination. 

Without any ambition, you can only waste time and miss out on the great opportunities that have the potential to change your future. Thus self-recognition is mandatory, give time to yourself and ponder what you will do in the next 5 or 10 years.

If nothing comes into your mind, then obviously, you are roaming in this world like an eagle with no motive at all. Leaders start dreaming in childhood and work hard to turn their dream into reality. 

5.Can Handle Emergencies Calmly

In a planned situation, it is easier to act out as a leader and handle the situation, but true leaders stand out in emergencies. When none is willing to take the fall, it is where the leader sits and solves the issue efficiently.

When everyone is disappointed and loses hope, the leader is the one who brings light to the darkness. He assures you that after this dark cave, a beautiful morning is waiting for you, keep on moving, and soon we will ace it. 

You know, sometimes we need a little motivation to ignite our little souls; that’s what leaders do. He pinpoints our crucial points and then makes us follow them through that difficult situation. 

6.Leaders Are Mentors

Leaders do not focus only on their improvement but also work hard for the betterment of their fellow members. They act as a guide for their teammates.

A leader can foresee the hidden potential of his subordinate and compel them to nurture their skills. They define the path and make it easier. 

I will elaborate it with my personal experience. In 8th standard, my history teacher judged that I am good at writing, so he advised my parents to let me read more books, newspapers, etc. thus, for me, he is a mentor who finds my hidden talent and motivates me to pursue that skill of mine. 

For leaders, their team is more like their family, they will understand their troubles, and instead of lashing at them for doing something wrong, they will correct them in the most positive manner

7.One Who Can Influence Others

A fake influence will reveal its true nature sooner or later. You can not force anyone to follow you; your actions, behavior, and thoughts will convince people to follow you unconditionally. 

If you are a leader and fail to follow deadlines, how can you instruct others on time management?

The leader walks with talk; their actions sound louder than their words. If you want to evolve sympathy and compassion in your member, start practicing yourself, and they will automatically take the lead from you. 

A little change in gesture will greatly change another person’s behavior. Like in offices, if you miss out on submitting a file on time, many managers just come to their employee and yell:

Where is the file? Why do you not submit it to me? Or more harsh words. 

But a true leader will address this situation like this: hey, It seems you still need to send the file to me. I know you have done the work; check out your folders and send them to me when free. 

That’s all be a convincer rather than a dominator. 


Our society demands leaders; do not dream of a person who will solve your issues, be a person who can rule out others’ problems as well. 

Leadership is not innate; years of effort, struggle, and experience will help us master it. Start assuming yourself as the leader from today and continue performing tasks like a leader; you will fail sometimes but never quit, ad eventually, you will evolve as a leader.

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